Francesca Mari began juggling for fun at 13. She completed her Bachelors in Literature and Philosophy at the University of Bologna in 2012. She attended FLIC Circus School in 2013, in Torino, specializing in foot juggling. Since 2014 she work whit Gandini Juggling company in the shows Clowns and Queens, Smashed, 8 songs, Meta and Smashed 2. In 2016 she perform as juggler and actor in the Opera “Aknathen”, English national Opera, winner of Oliver Award, director Phelim McDermott. In 2017 performed in the show “Metropolitan” with GOP Varietè in Hannover. In 2019 She created her indoor solo show “ the womb of a juggler” tribute to the juggling game Hiko from the Tongan islands and abstract reflection on femininity. She works with great passion as a street theatre artist since 2008. In her artistic research she aims to explore influences from clown to dance and theatre researching a juggling which involves the whole body to transform the ‘traditional’ idea of antipodisme.  With Christopher Patfield she co-created “Lanciarte a.p.s.”.

Download CV here: cv francesca mari the womb of a juggler


The atmospheric new contemporary circus show from Francesca Mari ‘Tangle…in the womb of a juggler’ explores movement in an abstract dream, freely inspired by the myths and legends of Tonga, femininity, and juggling. A tribute made by an Italian juggler to a traditional culture which unites women with the immense joy brought by the simple act of throwing objects.

Hosted in residence in:

Scuola Flic Bando Surreale 2019, Teatro Murialdo di Torino 2020, Jackson Lane Theatre London 2020, Centre de Creation “Les Jonc’ Alles” FR 2020, Maeson de jonglage Paris 2020, Corte Ospitale Reggio Emilia 2021.

Premiére at Dinamico Festival 9 e 10 Settembre 2021.

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