10 January 2025: Teatro Parrocchiale di Canal San Bovo (TN): “CIRCO INZIR cabaret”
21 March 2025: Teatro Sociale di Valenza (IT): “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
17 April 2025: Fantasy Festival, Monferrato (IT):”Circo a puà , one woman street show”
18 May 2025: Belluno Balocchi festival, Belluno (IT):”Circo a puà , one woman street show”
6/7/8 May 2025: Open Festival Mantova, Mantova (IT):”Circo a puà, one woman street show!”
4 September 2025: Bologna (IT): “Circo a puà , one woman street show”
17/18/19 October: Saruga Festival, Sardinia (IT) :”Circo a puà , one woman street show”
13 October: Abano Street Circus :”Circo a puà , one woman street show”
5/6 October: San Giovanni Valdarno (IT): “Rock’A’rella”
22 September 2024: Vittorio Veneto (IT): “Rock’A’Rella”
21 September 2024: Festival Buskeraggio Pontenure (IT): “Rock’A’Rella”
8 September 2024: Close-Up festival Crema (IT):”Circo a puà , one woman street show”
7 September: Volpago del Montello (IT):”Circo a puà , one woman street show”
29 August- 2 September 2024: Spanish tour (SP): “Circo a puà , one woman street show”
10 August 2024: Mercatini sotto le stelle, Canal San Bovo: “Circo a puà , one woman street show”
29 July 2024: Auronzo di Cadore: “Circo a puà , one woman street show”
26/27 July 2024: Rassegna Figuriamoci, Vidor, Paese (IT):”Circo a puà , one woman street show”
23/24/25 June: Bibione (IT): “Circo a puà , one woman street show”
22 June: Soliera (MO) , Fondazione Campori : “Circo a puà , one woman street show”
7/8/9 June 2024: Asfaltart Festival, Merano (IT) :”Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
11 May 2024: Teatro Perempruner, Grugliasco (IT):”Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
9-10 May 2024: Rabicano Festival,Cinquant’anni del Teatro Nucleo, Ferrara (IT): “Rock’A’Rella”
4 May 2024: Apolide festival, Cavallermaggiore: “Rock’A’Rella”- Anteprima nazionale
1 May 2024: ArtinCirco Festival, Ozzano Emilia:”Circo a puà , one woman street show”
9/10 March 2024: Teatro Alfieri Castelnuovo Tuscany (IT). Workshop+ show:”Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
30 December 2023: Circumnavigando Festival Genova (IT) :”Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
8 December 2023: Canove (IT):”Circo a puà , one woman street show”
18 November: Zagreb (Croatia) #SBNA. Masterclass of Floor Juggling and show: “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
3/4/5 November: Workshop Object Manipulation and floor juggling, Teatro Nucleo Ferrara (IT)
29 October 2023: Fiera di San Simeone, Marostica (IT):
8 October 2023: La Fiera del Teatro, Sarmede (IT): “Rock’A’Rella WIP”
1 October 2023: Latterie Vicentine, Vicenza (IT):”Circo a puà , one woman street show”
30 September 2023: Presentazione Stagione Teatrale Arteven. Mestre (IT)”Circo a puà, one woman street show”
12/20 September: Ursino Buskers (IT) con #la Donna Cannone. “Rock’A’Rella WIP”
9-10 September 2023: Cirk Fantastik, Florence (IT) :”Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
7 September 2023: Verona (IT):”Rock’A’Rella WIP”
2/3 September 2023: Tutti Matti per Colorno: “Rock’A’Rella WIP”
28 August 2023: Auronzo di Cadore (IT) : “Rock’A’Rella” WIP
25 August 2023: Bibione (IT)- “Circo a Puà”
14 August: Rock’Party Lagoscuro Bistrò, Ferrara (IT)- “Rock’A’Rella” WIP
8 August 2023: Bibione (IT)- “Circo a Puà”
4/5 August 2023: Ponticelli Sabino (IT) :”Rock’A’Rella” WIP
29 July 2023: Felino (IT):”Rock’A’Rella” WIP
26 July 2023: Noale street , Noale (IT)- “Rock’A’Rella WIP”
25 July 2023: Bibione (IT)- “Circo a Puà”
8-9 July 2023: Festival Immaginaria, Calalzo di Cadore (IT)- “Rock’A’Rella” WIP
5 July 2023: Babarum, Volano,Trento (IT)- “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
1 July 2023: Anteprima Muja Buskers, Gorizia (IT)- “Rock’A’Rella” WIP
21/22 June 2023: Notte delle Streghe, San Giovanni in Marignano (IT)-“Circo a puà, one woman street show”
4th June 2023: BUSKERS PARK, Giardini Margherita Bologna (IT)- “Rock’A’Rella” WIP
26/27 May 2023: FestivaLOVE, Scandiano (IT):”Circo a puà, one woman street show”
13 May 2023: Anteprima Circen Dolomites Festival, Tamion (IT) -“Rock’A’Rella ” footjuggling act
29 Aprile 2023: Gran Galà Convention di giocoleria di Celleno (IT)- “The seed”, floorjuggling
15 April 2023: Mercato Sonato Bologna (IT)- “Rock’A’Rella WIP”
16 February 2023: Carnevale di Cortina D’Ampezzo (IT)- “Rock’A’Rella walck about”
11 December 2022: Natale a Brescia, Brescia (IT)- “Circo a puà, one woman street show”
24/25 November 2022: Circensema Val di Fassa (3 repliche, 2 per le scuole superiori) – “Tangle”
12/31 October 2022: Oxfordshire (UK)- FoolsdelightCircus- HAG..an ode to witches
6/7 October 2022: Circomedia, Bristol (UK) – “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
28/29 September 2022 : Cirkusfera festival Belgrade (SRB) – “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
23/24/25 September 2022: Split, Croatia SBNA- “Tangle.. in the womb of a juggler”
17/18 September 2022 : INAC festival SBNA (PT) – “Tangle.. in the womb of a juggler”
2/3/4 September 2022: Reggio Emilia (IT)- “Circo a puà, one woman street show”
26 August 2022: Bologna, Appennini circo -“Circo a puà, one woman street show”
13/14 August 2022: Fondo, Val di Non (IT)- Cosina Nonensa- “Circo a puà, one woman street show”
22/23 July 2022: Venaria Reale, Torino (IT) – “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
5/6 July 2022: Festival Trengo (PT) – “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
25/26 June 2022: Terminal Festival Udine (IT) – “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
5 June 2022: Ipercorpo festival , Forlì (IT) – “Circo a puà” one woman street show
2 June 2022: Jackson Lane Theatre London (UK) – “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
27 May 2022: Rassegna Polimorfa- Valchiusella (IT) -“Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
26 May 2022: Equilibri Festival- Bologna (IT) -“Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
27 March 2022: Teatro Nucleo Ferrara IT “Circus week end” – “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
5 March 2022: Rassegna Flic Torino IT – “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
5 December 2021: La Strada winter, Brescia – “Circo a Puà.. one woman street show”
26 October 2021: Circo Paniko a Bologna “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
22 September 2021: Totem Scene Urbane Teatro Nucleo “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler”
9 e10 September 2021: Dinamico Festival “Tangle..in the womb of a juggler” (Prémiere!)
Some past events:
2021: Appennini Circo, Bologna, “circo a puà”.
2021: Dolomites Festival, Val di Fassa, “circo a puà”.
2019: Festinstrada Sabbio Chiese with circuito Claps, street show “Circo a puà”.
2019: “Chapéus na Rua” Festival Lisbon PT, street show “circo a puà”
2019: Gran Galà Poitiers convention FR. “Solo F”
2019: Gala show Bigoud’n’Jongle convention FR. “Solo F”
2019: “Flumen Festival” Jesi, “circo a puà” one woman street show.
2019: “Artisti al lavoro” Alba, “circo a puà” one woman street show.
2019: “Asfaltart” Festival Merano, street show “Circo a puà”
2018: “Tutti matti per Colorno” festival, street show “Circo a puà”.
2018 Gran Galà “Berlin Juggling convention”- Solo F
2018: Edinburgh Fringe (UK), street show “Circo a Puà”.
2018: Festival 2 mondi Spoleto, PaMa’s company “NON SONO”.
2017: Festival dell’Invisibile, Mantova (IT), street show “Circo a puà”.
2017: Gallura Buskers Festiva, Santa Teresa di Gallura, Sardegna (IT), street show “Circo a puà”.
2016: Doca Devisez festival, UK, street show “Circo a pua’”.
2016: Gran Galà equilibri, Casalecchio di Reno, “spirito delle cose inutili”.
2016: Festival dell’invisibile, Mariana Mantovana, “Circo a pua”.
2016: “Magie al borgo”, Costa di Mezzate, street show “Circo a Pua”.
2015: Ibla Buskers, Ibla, Sicilia, street show “Circo a Pua’”.
2015: Strà Festival, Milano, Strett show “Circo a Puà”, and foot juggling act: “spirito delle cose inutili”.
2015:Festival “Tutti matti per Colorno”, Colorno, Street show: “Circo a puà”.
2014: Forcè- street festival in Marche.
2014: Dinamico Festival, Reggio Emilia.
2014:Mirabilia, european festival in Fossano- presentation of projectSteampunk Parade.
2014: Altarte,street festival in Modica- Sicilia.
2014: Sarzana. Cabaret CircoinZir e workshop of antipodisme.
2013: Roncitelli Buskers Festival, Senigallia, Marche.
2013 Gran Galà in “convention Romana” whit clubs act-“Blurg”.
2013 Gran Galà in convention of Lyon (France) Abdd whit “Blurg”.
2013: Naskers Festival, Naso Sicilia.
2013: Montecchio Unplugged, Reggio Emilia.
2013: Bunden Buskers, street festival in Bondeno, Ferrara.
2013: Altarte, street festival in Modica, Sicilia.
2013: San Giorgio di piano buskers festival.
2012: Buskers festival Montecchio Unplugged, Montecchio (IT).
2012: Festival a San Giovanni in Persiceto-Bo.
2012: Street festival in San Giorgio di Piano-Bo.
2012 Open stage in juggling convention in Bruxelles, whit co. Clavetteordie.
2012 Gran Galà in Malo jugglin festival whit co. Clavetteordie.
2012 Gran Galà in Gaggiano X Jugg 2012 whit clubs act- “Blurg”.
2012: Cabaret CircoinZir in Buskers Pirata festival- Bologna.
2012: Street festival in Fellonica (IT).
2011: Svicolando Festival in Subiaco (Roma).
2011: Buskers festival Montecchio Unplugged, Montecchio (IT).
2011: Festival arte di strada a Montegridolfo (IT).
2010 and 2011: Bunden Buskers, street festival in Bondeno-FE.